1980 = The Enigma of Jesus the Galilaean, Athens: Chrysē Tomē (Greek Pb). [2nd edn., Athens: Chrysē Tomē, 1982; 3rd edn., Athens: Alevizopoulos, 1983; 4th edn. with new introduction, Athens: Ekdoseis Aiolos, 2007]

1991 = with P. James et al., Centuries of Darkness: A Challenge to the Conventional Chronology of Old World Archaeology, London: Jonathan Cape (Hb). [Pb edn., London: Pimlico 1992; US Hb/Pb edns., New Brunswick, NJ.: Rutgers University Press, 1993; Spanish Pb, Barcelona: Crítica, 1993; Greek Pb, Athens: Ekdoseis Aiolos, 2006]

1992 = Antonia Augusta: Portrait of a Great Roman Lady, London/New York: Routledge (Hb). [Pb edn., London: Libris, 2002]

1998 = The Herodian Dynasty: Origins, Role in Society and Eclipse (Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Supplement Series 30), Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press (Hb). [Reprint Hb & Pb edns., London: Spink and Son Ltd. 2010]

2007 = ed., The World of the Herods: Volume 1 of the International Conference The World of the Herods and the Nabataeans, held at the British Museum, 17-19 April 2001, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag (Pb).

2008 = ed. with D. M. Jacobson, Herod and Augustus: Papers Read at the Institute of Jewish Studies Conference, 21st-23rd June 2005 (IJS, Studies in Judaica 6), Boston: Brill Academic Publishers (Hb).

2012 = ed. with D. M. Jacobson, Judaea and Rome in Coins 65 BCE - 135 CE: Papers Presented at the International Conference Hosted by Spink, 13th-14th September 2010, London: Spink (Hb).

2023 = in collaboration with Henry I. MacAdam and Thomas Sayers, A Coat of Many Colours: Max Kranzthor, His Family and His Plays About Herod and Spartacus, Szeged, Hungary: Americana (eBook: [Pb Athens, Eleftheroudaki:]

1987 = with P. James et al., Bronze to Iron Age Chronology in the Old World: Time for a Reassessment? (Studies in Ancient Chronology 1), London: Institute of Archaeology.
[forthcoming] = The Herods in Greece: Josephus and the Epigraphical Evidence [Colloquenda Mediterranea A/3, Bradford: Loid Publishing - never published]

[forthcoming] = The Town of Suez Postcards, 1897-1967: Suez, Port-Tewfik, Port-Ibrahim & Moses Fountain.

= "Jesus in History", Ainigmata 21.58-60, 64; 22.61-62; 24.57-62; 28.50-53; 32.55-58, 64; 33.48-49, 63; 37.58-61 (in Greek).

1978 = "The Inauthenticity of the Essene Epistle sent from Jerusalem to Alexandria", Ainigmata 38/9.19-21, 26 (in Greek).

1978 = "The Dead Sea Scrolls Recently", Ainigmata 40.17-33 (in Greek).

1980 = "The Vikings Relive", Ainigmata 62/3.4-17; 64.46-49; 65.55-61, 64 (in Greek).

1981 = "The Inauthenticity of the Shroud", Ainigmata 70.32-37 (in Greek).

1981/2 = "The Nag Hammadi Codices Recently", Ainigmata 71.40-44; 72/3.46-50; 74/6.85-89 (in Greek).

1985 = "A Coin of Herod the Great Commemorating the City of Sebaste", Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Liber Annuus 35, 303-306.

1986 = "Which Salome Did Aristobulus Marry?", Palestine Exploration Quarterly 118, 33-50.

1986 = "A Retouched New Date on a Coin of Valerius Gratus", Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Liber Annuus 36, 241-246.

1987 = "Re-Assembling the Inscription of Glaphyra from Athens", Zeitschrift fûr Papyrologie und Epigraphik 68, 288-290.

1989 = "Crucifixion in AD 36: The Keystone for Dating the Birth of Jesus", in E. J. Vardaman & E. M. Yamauchi (eds), Chronos, Kairos, Christos: Nativity and Chronological Studies Presented to Jack Finegan, Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 133-163.

1990 = "A Fresh Look at the 'gentilicium' of Felix Procurator of Judaea", Latomus 49, 126-141.

1991 = with P. James et al., "Centuries of Darkness: Context, Methodology and Implications", Cambridge Archaeological Journal 1:2, 228-235.

1992 = with P. James et al., "Centuries of Darkness: Reply to Critics", Cambridge Archaeological Journal 2:1, 127-130.

1992 = with S. Dar, "The Greek Inscriptions from Senaim, Mount Hermon", Palestine Exploration Quarterly 124, 9-25.

1995 = "The Honorand of the Titulus Tiburtinus: C. Sentius Saturninus?", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 105, 21-36.

1998 = "The Relative Chronology of the Nativity in Tertullian", in E. J. Vardaman (ed.), Chronos, Kairos, Christos II: Chronological, Nativity, and Religious Studies in Memory of Ray Summers, Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 119-131.

1998 = with P. James & I. J. Thorpe, "Mediterranean Chronology in Crisis", in M. S. Balmuth & R. H. Tykot (eds), Sardinian and Aegean Chronology: Towards the Resolution of Relative and Absolute Dating in the Mediterranean (Studies in Sardinian Archaeology 5), Oxford: Oxbow Books, 29-43.

2001 = "Cleopatra and Herod: A Failed Seduction", British Museum Magazine 39, 17.

2001 = "A Reconnaisance Trip to Peraea (2-12 October 2000)", Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 45, 479-482.

2002 = "Herod's Horrid Death", Biblical Archaeology Review 28:2 (March/April), 28-35, 62.

2002 = "The City of 'Mariamme': an Unknown Herodian Connection?", Mediterraneo Antico 5:2, 715-746.

2003 = "Justus, Josephus, Agrippa II and his Coins", Scripta Classica Israelica 22, 163-180.

2003 = "Second Thoughts on the Date and Identity of the Teacher of Righteousness", Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia 2, 7-15.

2004 = "Herod and Science Fiction", Fantastika Chronika 5 (July), 31-33 (in Greek).

2006 = with P. James, N. Thorpe, D. Pyle and R. Morkot, "Comment on 'Chronology for the Aegean Late Bronze Age 1700-1400 B.C.’ and ‘Santorini Eruption Radiocarbon Dated to 1627-1600 B.C.’" (internet paper -

2007 = "The Royal Court of the Herods" in N. Kokkinos (ed.), The World of the Herods: Volume 1 of the International Conference The World of the Herods and the Nabataeans held at the British Museum, 17-19 April 2001 (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag), 279-303.

2007 = "The ‘Francis & Vickers Chronology’: A Bibliography" (internet paper -

2008 = "The Foundation of Bethsaida-Julias by Philip the Tetrarch", Journal of Jewish Studies 59, 236-251.

2009 = "Re-dating the Fall of Sardis", Scripta Classica Israelica 28, 1-23.

2009 = "Ancient Chronography, Eratosthenes and the Dating of the Fall of Troy", Ancient West and East 8, 37-56.

2010 = "The Location of Tarichaea: North or South of Tiberias?", Palestine Exploration Quarterly 142, 7-23.

2010 = "Julius Cassianus, Pseudo-Thallus, and the Identity of 'Cassius Longinus' in the Chronographia of Eusebius", Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia 8, 15-28.

2012 = "A Note on the Date of Philo of Byblus", Classical Quarterly 62, 433-435.

2012 = "The Prefects of Judaea 6-48 CE and the Coins from the Misty Period 6-36 CE", in D. M. Jacobson & N. Kokkinos (eds), Judaea and Rome in Coins 65 BCE - 135 CE: Papers Presented at the International Conference Hosted by Spink, 13th-14th September 2010  (London: Spink), 85-111.

2012 = "The Titulus Tiburtinus, Syme's Piso, Sentius Saturninus and the Province of Syria", Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia 10, 37-69.

2013 = "The Tyrian Annals and Ancient Greek Chronography", Scripta Classica Israelica 32, 21-66.

2015 = "Aspects of Jerusalem Under Herod", in Z. Weiss et al. (eds.), Ehud Netzer Volume (Eretz-Israel 31; Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society), 79*-109*.

2015 = "Josephus and Greek Chronography: Troy, Solomon, Shishak and Ramesses III", in P. James and P. G. van der Veen (eds.), Solomon and Shishak: Current Perspectives from Archaeology, Epigraphy, History and Chronography.  Proceedings of the Third BICANE Colloquium held at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge 26-27 March, 2011 (BAR International Series 2732), Oxford: Archaeopress, 155-189.

2016 = "An Approach to Herodian Peraea", in A. E. Killebrew and G. Fassbeck (eds.), Viewing Ancient Jewish Art and Archaeology: VeHinnei Rachel - Essays in Honor of Rachel Hachlili (Leiden: Brill), 271-290.

2018 = "Deconstructing the Jewish War: A Review", Strata: Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 36, 123-135 (review-article of Steve Mason's book - see also below under reviews).

2021 = with Andrea H. Coffman, "Identifying the Photographer of an Early View of Port Said: Francis Frith, Antonio Beato or Frank Mason Good?", The PhotoHistorianThe Journal of the Royal Photographic Society Historical Group 91 (Winter), 5-17.

2022 = with Konstantinos D. Politis, "Two Greek Funerary Inscriptions from Zoara/Ghor As-Safi in Jordan (Early Byzantine Zoora)", Jordan Journal for History and Archaeology 16:1 (February), 99-125.

2023 (forthcoming) = with D. M. Jacobson, "Agrippa II's Royal Triclinium and the Herodian Temple", in G. Barkay et al. (eds.), New Studies in Temple Mount Research, Jerusalem.

2024 = "'Strabo on the Herodian Dynasty': An Unpublished Paper by Ronald Syme, Transcribed, Annotated, and Reviewed",  Scripta Classica Israelica 43, 21-42.
2024 = with A. H. Coffman, "A Hidden Photographic Journey to the Suez Canal by Frank Mason Good: Revising Lazard's List", The PhotoHistorian: The Journal of the Royal Photographic Society Historical Group , 199 (summer), 5-29.

2024 (forthcoming) = "Herod (1) the Great", in T. Whitmarsh (ed.), Oxford Classical Dictionary, online.

2024 (forthcoming) = "Herod the Great and the Herodian Dynasty in Josephus's Writings", in K. Atkinson (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Josephus, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.


1991 = "M. E. Hardwick's 'Josephus'", Journal of Roman Studies 81, 227-228.

1992 = "J. McKenzie's 'Petra'", Journal of Roman Studies 82, 280.

1992 = "S. Mason's 'Pharisees'", Journal of Roman Studies 82, 280-281.

1992 = "D. R. Schwartz's 'Agrippa I'", Journal of Roman Studies 82, 281-282.

1994 = "S. Schwartz's 'Josephus'", Journal of Roman Studies 84, 263-264.

1994 = "N. Lewis' 'The Babatha Archive'", Palestine Exploration Quarterly 126, 175-176.

1995 = "Y. E. Meimaris' 'Dated Greek Inscriptions from Palestine and Arabia'", Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127, 77-78.

1996 = "J. Elsner & J. Masters' 'Nero'", Journal of Roman Studies 86, 211-212.

2000 = "P. Richardson's 'Herod'", Biblica 81, 141-144.

2000 = "H. M. Cotton & J. Geiger's 'Masada II'", Palestine Exploration Quarterly 132, 81-83.

2008 = "N. Niketarides' 'Egypt, Greece and the Contribution of the Egyptian Greeks'", Panaigyptia 140, 32 (in Greek).

2008 = "E. Fantham's 'Julia Augusti: The Emperor's Daughter'", Classical Review 58.1, 221-223.

2009 = "T. Rajak et al.'s 'Jewish Perspectives on Hellenistic Rulers'", Journal of Theological Studies 60, 627-632.

2018 = "S. Mason's 'A History of the Jewish War, A.D. 66-74'", Strata: Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 36, 123-135.


1976 = "On Astrology", Ainigmata 12 (May), 2 (in Greek).

1985 = "Exegesis: Majorities and Minorities", The Writing on the Wall (Feb. issue), 1-2, Institute of Archaeology, UCL.

1992/3 = with P. James, "Reply to J. Mellaart on Centuries of Darkness", Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 12, 80.

1993 = Entry in Who's Who in Biblical Studies and Archaeology, 2nd ed., Washington, DC: BAR, 204-205.

1995 = "Akeldama", Biblical Archaeology Review 21: 2, 24.

1995 = "Suez: The Last Goodbye", Soueziana Nea tēs Athēnas (Dec. issue), 163 (in Greek).

1997 = "The Sea Monster of Suez", Soueziana Nea tēs Athēnas (Apr./Jun. 
issue), 167 (in Greek).

1998 = "Banias", Biblical Archaeology Review 24:3, 64.

1998 = "The Naming of Suez Town", Ephēmerida tōn Aigyptiōtōn 31 (12 May), 4; 34 (14 Sep.), 3 (in Greek).

2000 = "Obituary: E. Jerry Vardaman (1927-2000)", Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 18, 115.

2001 = "Louis-Francois-Sebastien Fauvel", Bulletin of the Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East 11 (Apr.), 25.

2002 = "Queries & Comments: Herod's Horrid Death", Biblical Archaeology Review 28:4 (July/August), 8-12.

2002 = "Nikos Kokkinos on Radiocarbon Qumran Studies" -

2003 = "Prospective Lecture: Jerusalem in the Times of Herod", Delteon of the Hellenic Society for Near Eastern Studies 3.1, 21-22.

2004 = "Photis Kokkinos 1909-1994: The Suez Clarino", Soueziana Nea tēs Athēnas 78 (April/June), 5 (in Greek).

2006 = with P. James, "Fifteen Frequently Asked Questions on 'Centuries of Darkness'", Aiōnes Skotous (Athens: Aiolos), 503-524 (in Greek).

2012 = "24 October 1967 Suez: The Bombardment of Shell", Soueziana Nea tēs Athēnas 109 (April/June), 18 (in Greek).